Star Trek Enterprise 2×16 – Future Tense

Archer can’t seem to get away with much these days without incurring the wrath of the warring factions of the illusive Temporal Cold War, and as it turns out, recovering a dead body from a 31st century time traveling ship is just the type of thing to set the Suliban (and now Tholians!) on his case.
Star Trek: Enterprise 02×16 – Future Tense
Directed by James Whitmore Jr.
Written by Michael Sussman and Phyllis Strong
Guest Stars: Vaughn Armstrong, Cullen Douglas
There Are Four Mics is a weekly Star Trek podcast discussing the Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Join Chris Keeley, Jason Allen, Joe Heiser and Joshua B. Jones as we discuss the 16th episode of season two of Star Trek: Enterprise, Future Tense.
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Music credits:
Faith of the Heart/Where My Heart Will Take Me – Written by Diane Warren, performed by Russell Watson, Jerry Lubbock, and the New York Trek Orchestra
Archer’s Theme – Dennis McCarthy and New York Trek Orchestra