Star Trek Enterprise 2×08 – The Communicator

Star Trek Enterprise 2×08 – The Communicator
Episode 035 - Enterprise 2x08 - The Communicator While investigating a pre-warp civilization Reed loses his communicator. He and Archer return to the surface to search for it before it can disrupt the natural progression of this society, but are instead captured and interrogated as potential spies. Our ratings for this episode were all over…

Star Trek Enterprise 1×12 – Silent Enemy

Star Trek Enterprise 1×12 – Silent Enemy
Confused? You may have noticed this is not the next production or release episode. We finally hit that point where the idea behind this podcast takes shape, though in an odd way. This episode, despite being released as 01x12, is next in chronological order. Following Fortunate Son (01x10) and preceding Cold Front (01x11). An oversight…